In August 2020 Remotion delivered a Holdback Clamp, weighting 850kg, for handling of subsea risers to DeepOcean.

The project start-up was in March 2020 and the scope of work was project management, procurement, assembly, and testing. The procurement phase included both machined and welded components, hence the schedule was tight.
Thanks to a flexible, competent, and dedicated organization with close connection to our suppliers, we managed the deadline even with several changes in scope of work from the client.
The testing included a tensile test in Oceaneering`s 750T tensile test bench. The tensile test was performed at 55Te tension.

Remotion received a top score on all subjects in the customer satisfaction survey. DeepOcean stated Remotion as a competent subsea/project engineering company with excellent project management and communication skills to manage fast track projects.